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Benefits of a Colon Cleanse
Dr. Kellogg believed that the root of most health problems started in the bowel. As such, this is why he developed a bran cereal that would help people improve the functioning of their colons. An unhealthy colon is one in which fecal matter has been allowed to build up on its walls and within its cells. Over time, the fecal matter becomes encrusted in the colon, blocking its openings and slowing down the passage of stools. This fecal matter then continues to build up for days, weeks, months, and even years, putrefying and then poisoning your entire system. As Dr. Kellogg suggested, poor health in the colon can lead to the development of a number of other conditions. Illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, colds, influenza, arthritis, and allergies are all examples of diseases that have been associated with a toxic colon. In fact, in most cases, the severity of a disease can be linked directly to the level of toxicity in the colon. Improved overall health is one of the most significant benefits of colon cleansing. By removing the toxins that have built up over time, colon cleansing allows the digestive system to function more efficiently. Thus more nutrients are absorbed from food and toxins are flushed out of the colon, before they have a chance to harm our health. This improves the health of the immune system and the entire body.
It's amazing that we regularly take a shower, brush our teeth, go to the gym to keep fit and even change the oil in our car. But how often do we take the time to clean our colons? By following a regular routine you can enjoy these benefits of colon cleansing and more.
Top 10 Benefits Of A Colon Cleanse
1. Relief from constipation and diarrhea When our colons have a lot of build-up, it makes it very difficult to have healthy regular bowel movements, often causing constipation or diarrhea. When your colon is clean this is a non-issue, a healthy individual should have a bowel movement after each meal.
2. No more gas or bloating Some of the fecal matter can sit days, months, even years in our colon releasing toxins and poisons. Gas and bloating is just a side effect of this condition. Eliminate the toxins equals no more bloating.
3. Reduce excess weight and feel lighter One of the amazing things about the benefits of colon cleansing is that some a lot of people experience significant weight loss after treatment. The average human colon weights approximately 4 pounds. But it is not unusal for colon cleansing to flush away as much as 10-30 pounds of stagnant fecal matter. Many people in their Master Cleanse testimonals have said have lost weight and feel much lighter after a cleanse.
4. No more stomach cramping or abdominal pains This is just the colons reaction to when there is too much waste clogging the colon. Believe me, if you have 5-10 pounds of fecal matter stuck to your colon, you will experience occasional cramping and pains.
5. Increase energy levels and vitality After a thorough colon cleanse, you will experience a new boost in energy and no longer feel tired and lethargic.
6. Better absorption of vitamins and minerals from foods The body absorbs nutrients from food through the intestines and it gets its last chance when it reaches the colon. Here the nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream through the colon walls. When the colon is clogged, absorption can be extremely low maybe just 10-20%. A colon cleanse, flushes out this excess buildup allowing maximum absorption for the body.
7. Flatter stomach and waist line With no more bloating, gas, and excess weight, you will definitely notice a flatter stomach. This is not to mention a thinner waist line! This is just a bonus!
8. Improved concentration This is connected to benefit #6, when the colon is clean, the body is able to absorb nutrients and vitamins and at much higher efficiency and retention. This aids in a sharper mind, the ability to focus, and improved concentration.
9. Clearer skin and healthier hair and nails Do you suffer from acne? After you rid yourself of the toxins, your body will not have to fight these excess pollutants. This will give you a cleaner, healthier complexion.
10. Overall healthier lifestyle ! Let's face it, the above list should make it clear that a clean colon = healthy individual! You have nothing to lose (except maybe excess weight) and a lot to gain by a regular colon cleansing.
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