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Detox Recipes (Cleansing Recipes)
Recipes for detox diet are amazing. They are easy, take little time to make, and are filling. There is also a psychological advantage in doing something to keep your body fit and healthy, you get a feeling of satisfaction. If you are someone who knows all the benefits of a detox diet but still thinks that it is boring and tasteless, I recommend that you try out some recipes, as you maybe be pleasantly suprised ! Check out some of the FREE recipes for detox diets below.
Detox Cereal To Start The Day :This provides a good dose of fibre, B vitamins, iron, magnesium, zinc, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids from the seeds, protein and minerals from the nuts, and vitamin C from the fruit. Adjust the quantities according to appetite and preference.
4-5 dsp whole oat flakes
Method: The oat flakes are easiest to digest if you soak them in milk for a couple of hours (or leave them overnight in the fridge). Toasting in a hot oven or dry-frying brings out the flavour of the sunflower and pumpkin seeds. But if you're in a hurry, as most of us are in the morning, you can just place all the ingredients in a bowl and eat.
Detox Soup
Healing Detox Soup: This soup gives your energy levels a boost and revitalizes you. The main ingredients are avocado and cucumber. Avocado is high in essential fatty acids and cucumber has cleansing properties. You can give this recipe a sizzling taste by adding the desired herbs and spices.
1 cucumber
Alkalizing Tomato Corn Soup: A subtle soup that packs a nutritional punch. It gives you a filling and comforting feeling. You can have it either warm or cold.
5 sun dried tomatoes
Vegetable Detox Soup: You would love having this one in winters. The combination of vegetables is a good source of antioxidants. The cleansing properties come from the celery. This is definitely a delight for those who are new to a detox diet.
2 cups shredded vegetables
Love Soup: 160 All-New Vegetarian Recipes from the Author of The Vegetarian Epicure
1 minced clove of garlic
Avocado And Tomato Salad With Shallots : You can add mozzarella cheese to this recipe if you wish, for a classic Italian tricolore salad.
1 large shallot or
Method: Put the finely chopped shallot in a small bowl or container, such as an egg cup, with the balsamic vinegar while you prepare the salad. Arrange the sliced tomatoes on one side of a plate. Cut the avocado into halves and remove the stone; cut through the flesh to the skin but not through the skin itself. Starting at the pointed end, peel the skin away with your fingers; if the avocado is ripe enough, this should be easy. Arrange the avocado slices on the other half of the plate. Carefully, using a teaspoon, arrange the chopped shallot in a fine line between the two halves, leaving any excess vinegar behind. Drizzle olive oil over the salad, grind some black pepper over everything and put a little salt on the tomatoes. Serve immediately.
Detox PastaPasta With Artichokes And Olives : Artichokes contain flavonoids that protect liver cells and aid the secretion of bile which helps us to digest fats. All in all, they are a class A detox food.
75g (3oz) wheat-free pasta, preferably spaghetti or penne (dry weight)
Method: Bring a saucepan of water to a rolling boil, then add the pasta. Cook for about 6-8 minutes, or according to the instructions on the packet. When the pasta is nearly done, warm the olive oil in a frying pan and add the garlic. When it begins to colour, stir in the chopped artichokes and olives and warm them through. Drain the pasta, then return it to the pan, and add the artichokes, olives and garlic from the frying pan. Season with salt and pepper, and stir in the chopped parsley. Serve immediately.
Seasonal Artichokes: Make the most of fresh artichokes in season. Wash them, removing any discoloured or damaged leaves, then boil until an outside leaf comes away easily when pulled- this takes about 30 minutes for a large artichoke. Drain upside-down, then turn it right-side up and serve. Pull the leaves away and dip the bottom part of each one into vinaigrette; scrape off the base with your teeth. When you get down to the middle, remove the spiky 'choke' by slicing if off or pulling it away with a spoon. Then eat the base with a knife and fork.
Pasta Picchi Pacchi : This traditional Sicilian pasta sauce is served raw and cold on hot pasta, and is simply delicious. You can use any pasta of your choice- dried or fresh.
250g (8oz) plum tomatoes, peeled & chopped
Method: Put all the ingredients except the spaghetti into a bowl. Cover and leave for at least 1 hour at room temperature for the flavours to mingle.
Cook the spaghetti in a large saucepan of boiling water for about 6-8 minutes, or according to the packet instructions. Drain and serve with the raw sauce.
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